Lettering: A path form details to the whole
There are moments that leave a lasting impression - for me it was the moment when I drew my very first letter 10 years ago. It was a small, inconspicuous lowercase letter, but it was a huge challenge for me at the time. After years of using the pencil almost exclusively for quick notes, I held it in my hand again, this time with a new goal: not just to write, but to create.
I remember how exhausting it was to draw the lines and curves precisely, to find the right balance and to paint the letter with an even color tone at the end. I thought: Wie um alles in der Welt soll ich je ein ganzes Alphabet zeichnen? Von Design oder gar einem kreativen Konzept war ich Lichtjahre entfernt – allein der handwerkliche Prozess kostete mich so viel Energie.
But this little letter was the starting signal. From there, a journey began that took me through countless alphabets, challenges and styles.
Die Entwicklung von „Letter Art“
What began with drawing individual letters quickly grew into a deep interest in type design. I took part in alphabet challenges and dedicated many hours to practicing. It wasn't just about drawing different shapes, but also about understanding their essence: What makes a letter harmonious? How do lines interact with each other? How can a nuance in the shape create a completely new effect?
Over time, this gave rise to my very own style, which I call “Letter Art”. It is a mixture of artistic design and technical precision, inspired by classic letter forms, but characterized by an individual approach.
The Challenge of details
One of the biggest lessons I learned along the way was how to deal with details. In my early years, I often got lost in the finer details - I could spend hours working on a single serif or tweaking a curved line over and over again. Dabei übersah ich oft das große Ganze. Es fühlte sich an, als würde ich „visuell betrunken“ werden, weil ich vor lauter Details den Gesamtzusammenhang aus den Augen verlor.
But through experience and continuous practice, I learned to broaden my view. I developed a sense of how the details fit into the bigger picture and how to harmonize the two. Today, this balance is one of my greatest strengths: the ability to see both the big picture and to master depth and precision in the details.
Expertise in Lettering Projects and Collaboration
This skill is especially valuable in my work with logos, branding and custom type projects. If agencies or companies are looking for someone who doesn't just design letters, but optimizes them with an eye for the big picture and a deep understanding of the finer details, then I'm the right person for the job. I work not only creatively, but also analytically - always with the aim of bringing harmony and clarity to every project.
The knowledge I have acquired over the years is also incorporated into my workbooks, which help other artists to develop their own skills. Whether beginner or advanced, my goal is to simplify the learning process while conveying the depth and beauty of lettering.
Review and Preview
When I think back to my first letter, I realize how far I've come. What seemed like an impossible mountain back then is now my greatest passion. And although I have now drawn many alphabets, developed logos and implemented projects, I know that there is always more to discover.
My lettering journey is far from over - and I look forward to sharing it with others. Was ist Deine Geschichte? Welches war der erste Schritt, der Dich zu dem geführt hat, was Du heute tust?